Previous Milsim Units: General Seal team/ General Marsoc units, 75th ranger div.
Rank achieved (Please include any extra responsibilities you took part in): Army(SFC),Navy(CW03),Marine(1st LT)
- Responsible for the activity and delegation of soldiers, sailors and Marines under my command, understanding the needs and issues of those both above and below my rank/rate, shadowing over training events.
I created a Grenadier course for the TFRA server.
Any real-life military (active, former, cadets, or service) experience (Can be kept private):I am prior service US Army 11B/Infantryman (discharged in basic/ would like not to go into reason).
Reason for joining the 1st Infantry Division:I enjoy the teamwork and the sense of purpose
What will you bring to the 1st Infantry Division: hopefully I can bring the ability of being a sensible NCO or more pending BCT and further training.
What is your goal within the unit: My goal is to lead the unit one day.
Any other comments (Anything you would like to add).
I confirm that the above details are correct and truthful
In-game name: Beam
Steam account: N/A; PSN
Previous Milsim Units: General Seal team/ General Marsoc units, 75th ranger div.
Rank achieved (Please include any extra responsibilities you took part in): Army(SFC),Navy(CW03),Marine(1st LT)
- Responsible for the activity and delegation of soldiers, sailors and Marines under my command, understanding the needs and issues of those both above and below my rank/rate, shadowing over training events.
I created a Grenadier course for the TFRA server.
Any real-life military (active, former, cadets, or service) experience (Can be kept private):I am prior service US Army 11B/Infantryman (discharged in basic/ would like not to go into reason).
Reason for joining the 1st Infantry Division:I enjoy the teamwork and the sense of purpose
What will you bring to the 1st Infantry Division: hopefully I can bring the ability of being a sensible NCO or more pending BCT and further training.
What is your goal within the unit: My goal is to lead the unit one day.
Any other comments (Anything you would like to add).
I confirm that the above details are correct and truthful
Sign: Jey Beam