Name: Luke Russell
In-game name: Rico
Age: 37
Country: UK
Steam account:
Milsim: Honestly not got loads of hours on Squad 44 but I'm a team player on all shooting games. First shooting game I played was the very first call of duty. Was in a rifle only clan that played 5 vs 5 to 32 vs 32 became leader of this clan after working my way through the ranks.
As said been playing shooter games for years.
Reason for joining the 506 PIR: Was asked to apply as i was noticed in game to be a good team player with good coms on mic. Would be good to join a squad and play some games together.
What is your goal within the unit: To become a medic/marksmen
Any other comments (Anything you would like to add).
I do have a wife and 2 kids so my time playing is limited to evenings.
Good afternoon Rico,
I would like to inform you that been accepted into the 506th PIR, your Rct. tag and perms will be added within the website and discord. A training team member will be introduced to you to schedule your basic training dates. Please ensure to change your profile name on the website and in discord to Rct. Rico [506] In-game please remember to set your name as Rct. Rico [506].
Welcome and many thanks,