Name: Alex
In-game name (This can be an alias but must be a realism name I.e. M. Smith: Kenneth Moore (K. Moore)
Age: 19
Country: UK
Steam account:
Milsim: Yes
Previous Milsim Units: Red Devils (Arma 3 WW2 Milsim, in the unit for between 1-2 years)
Rank achieved (Please include any extra responsibilities you took part in): Lance Corporal, involved in the process of inducting members into the group
Any real-life military (active, former, cadets, or service) experience (Can be kept private): Corporal in the RAF Air Cadets
Reason for joining the 506 PIR: In real life I portray the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment with a living history group and I want to be able to extend this experience into a gaming setting and just experience my impression virtually as well as in real life.
What will you bring to the 506 PIR: The first aspect that I can bring into the group is the leadership skills developed from another milsim and the appreciation of what makes a Milsim operate smoothly. Another thing that gives me a different appreciation of this type of group is my experience in real life with living history and how I can share the different tactics that I have come across in training manuals, but yet also the understanding of their implementation and how in practice they would have been used (due to using the tactics for tactical living history events).
What is your goal within the unit: Just to share my knowledge with others in the group.
Any other comments (Anything you would like to add). N/A
Application Declined.
Good afternoon Moore,
After a further conversation with yourself you have chosen to cancel your application to join the 506th PIR. We wish you the best of luck,
Many thanks,