in Application Area
Name: Nicolas Segura Sanchez
In-game name: N.Zesty
Age: 20
Country: South Africa
Steam account:
Milsim: played the likes of ARMA 3,post scriptum, squad, HLL, project reality, day of infamy
Previous Milsim Units: was part of 34thID(disbanded),505th PIR(day of infamy and early PS days),61st HB (squad)
Rank achieved (Please include any extra responsibilities you took part in): worked my way up from Pvt to T/3 in 505th and operated as a radioman for a squad and filled a rifleman role as reserve ,did call ins and attended and north star 'NCO academy' for my unit. did my hand as navigation, fire support directing and leadership .Got up to T/2 in 34thID and LCT in 61stHB
Any real-life military (active, former, cadets, or service) experience (Can be kept private): N/A
Reason for joining the 506 PIR: Looking for another milsim experience to fulfill my needs from the past days, missed the cooperation and execution on a serious level with communication.
What will you bring to the 506 PIR: leadership skills, communication proficiency and commitment to the unit that milsim orgs strive for
What is your goal within the unit: rifleman/radioman/recce
Any other comments (Anything you would like to add).
I confirm that the above details are correct and truthful
Sign: (Realism Name). N.Zesty
Good afternoon Zesty,
I would like to inform you that been accepted into the 506th PIR, your Rct. tag and perms will be added within the website and discord. A training team member will be introduced to you to schedule your basic training dates. Please ensure to change your profile name on the website and in discord to Rct. Zesty. In-game please remember to set your name as Rct. Zesty [506].
Many thanks,