Name: Darren
In-game name (This can be an alias but must be a realism name I.e. M. Smith: E. Example O.Hakeswell
Country: UK
Steam account: STEAM LINK :
Milsim: Many years
Previous Milsim Units:
Rank achieved (Please include any extra responsibilities you took part in):
Any real-life military (active, former, cadets, or service) experience (Can be kept private): NA
Reason for joining the 1st Infantry Division: Looking for a proper Milsim unit in HLL
What is your goal within the unit: Squad lead
Any other comments (Anything you would like to add). None
Good morning Darren,
Further to this initial application you have since been Denied into the 506th PIR due to leaving the unit discord without explanation and removing contacts, therefore leaving on your own will. Due to the circumstances in which a new application in the future will not be considered.
I appreciate your time, and best of luck.
Lt. Dobson